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Building a Compassionate Connection Between People and Animals Through Art

For over a year, Art for Animals’ Sake has visited with the residents at Skid Row Housing Trust. By offering free art workshops entwined with discussions about compassion for all, we have started a dialogue towards building a kinder community.

"I always learn something I never knew before" explains Damon, one of many residents who attends every weekly class, "By Saturday, I start counting the hours left till art class." 

Students enjoy the in depth discussions that introduce each class centered around how animals are used and often abused by our society. Topics covered have been as diverse as animals used in the entertainment business to the intellectual life of birds. Important knowledge about animal advocacy and art techniques that students like Damon share with others. 

Artist Reception: Skid Row Housing Trust

Thursday May 11th, 6 - 9pm
5th & Central, Los Angeles Downtown Art Walk

Join us for a reception for the artists, an exhibition of artwork curated from over a year of classes

We are committed to bringing art education and messages of compassion for every being to all. Our weekly classes for formerly homeless folks will continue to create unique exhibitions inspired by the animals that share our world and broaden the message of compassion for all animals


Join us and support the artist who every week continue to inspire us and bring a unique perspective to every class.

Barbara has the record for class attendance, coming to almost all of our sessions since we first visited Skid Row Housing’s Genesis Apartments location in early 2016!

Despite a past of homelessness, Barbara always has a happy smile in our classes, "the classes are so relaxing" and she makes the rest of us put on happy smiles too - plus we love her art work! 

Barbara has a great deal of passion and compassion for her fellow survivors in a harsh world, the animals. "And it's all about money. People treat animals badly just for money."

Arriving first almost every session, Damon is one of our most enthusiastic attendees.  At first Damon was a little intimidated putting pen or brush to paper preferring to make collages instead, but he has recently become really excited by painting.

Topics covered have been as diverse as animals used in the entertainment business to the intellectual life of birds. Important knowledge about animal advocacy and art techniques that students like Damon share with others. "I always learn something I never knew before. During the week I even talk to my friends about this stuff!"

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